Successful IT & Business Expo 2015

After attending many conferences and expos in other European countries and North America, the messageconcept team exhibited the first time in a German exposition. This might sound weird for a German company seven years after first product launch.

The IT & Business expo in Stuttgart is a CRM and ERP events and attracts different business roles than the typical Microsoft events, we attended before. The expo could have had more visitors at all, but we had some very good meetings with decision makers from several German and Austrian mid-market and enterprise customers. Some CRM vendors might even become OEM partners for our PeopleSync software.

On the event we were able to showcase the upcoming release 15.1 of PeopleSync with the new LDAP Agent, which is capable to sync from all LDAP directories. Our booth was awarded as one of the “New Heroes” (German: Neue Helden) of the expo. Thank you to the team of Landesmesse Stuttgart for having us!

messageconcept it business expo stuttgart 2015 messageconcept it business expo stuttgart 2015 messageconcept it business expo stuttgart 2015