Houston – messageconcept GmbH https://www.messageconcept.com/en/ Software Solutions for Microsoft Infrastructures Tue, 18 Dec 2018 11:19:34 +0000 en hourly 1 https://www.messageconcept.com https://www.messageconcept.com/wp-content/uploads/messageconcept-icon-300x300.png Houston – messageconcept GmbH https://www.messageconcept.com/en/ 32 32 Successful PeopleSync Lauch at TechEd North America https://www.messageconcept.com/en/news/successful-peoplesync-lauch-at-teched-north-america/ Fri, 16 May 2014 18:09:28 +0000 /?p=7583/

The first time ever, messageconcept went to a conference and expo event in the United States. We exhibited at the Microsoft TechEd conference in Houston to showcase our products. We launched our new product PeopleSync officially on the event and got a lot of great feedback. Customers loved the ideas behind PeopleSync and requested a ... Read moreSuccessful PeopleSync Lauch at TechEd North America

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messageconcept exhibits at Microsoft TechEd 2014 https://www.messageconcept.com/en/news/messageconcept-exhibits-at-microsoft-teched-north-america-conference-2014/ Thu, 03 Apr 2014 00:20:15 +0000 /?p=6505/

We are excited to announce that messageconcept will participate as an exhibitor at the Microsoft TechEd North America 2014. We will showcase our software solutions and launch our new product messageconcept PeopleSync. We look forward to meeting you at our exhibition booth on May 12-15, 2014. The address list server messageconcept PeopleSync synchronizes your address books ... Read moremessageconcept exhibits at Microsoft TechEd 2014

The post messageconcept exhibits at Microsoft TechEd 2014 appeared first on messageconcept GmbH.
