Config Panel Integration of messageconcept ExSBR for Hosting Providers

Our Sender Based Routing Agent messageconcept ExSBR is often used by providers to route emails by sender or tenant. Most managed service providers require their customers to open a service request to implement routing changes. But ISPs often use the full scripting ability of our software. ExSBR integrates smoothly into the Microsoft platform by using the default Exchange Server administration tools for the configuration of the ExSBR rule set.

To automate the configuration for a new tenant or a group of users, customers are able to use the Windows PowerShell. As ExSBR is configured by customized Microsoft SMTP send connectors, Microsoft’s default New-SendConnector and Set-SendConnector cmdlets can be used to create a new “ExSBR Connector”. These cmdlets can be integrated in existing scripts and run interactively or in your background batch processing.

If you would integrate the option for an alternate smarthost in your customer config panel, even your customer would be able to configure ExSBR in the background without having any knowlegde about ExSBR. This reduces the number of service requests and allows your customers more independent from your service desk availability.

Several leading Microsoft Exchange hosting providers are using ExSBR with a full control panel integration already. They utilize ExSBR as a good argument in the sales pitch, because their competitors might not be able to configure individual smarthosts by sender or tenant.

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