Our Software in Government and Public Sector

Our Software in Government and Public Sector

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Our software assures the fulfillment of legal requirements in the email exchange between authorities and government agencies via closed networks. We also care for a secure deployment of contact data.

Our Solutions for the Public Sector

Companies and authorities are often forced by law or compliance rules to exchange data over dedicated closed networks, independent from the Internet. Our software routes messages via these closed systems.

In a joined Microsoft messaging system, shared by multiple companies, we assure, that messages between businesses will be scanned for viruses and SPAM the same way as emails, received from the Internet.

To bring the comfort of your office phone system to the smartphones of your field crew, we integrate the devices of your sales force and service staff in your central IT environment to optimize the user experience.

Many organizations encrypt a part of their email traffic with external partners. We take care, that all messages, which should get encrypted according to your policies, will be routed to your encryption system.

We bring your enterprise address list with all phone numbers and email addresses to your smartphones to enhance the internal communication. The addresses of your branches are available for usage in navigation systems.

We ensure, that your employees have access to all contact data, required for their job, on their mobile devices. If an employee leaves your company, his access to the sensitive address lists is withdrawn.

If you act in the name of an affiliated enterprise or a partner company, we enable you to send emails from your Microsoft messaging system with a reply address of your enterprise group or partner organization.

By showing the names of callers instead of their caller IDs on smartphones and office phones, we optimize your phone communication. We realize that by synchronizing the contact data to your devices.