messagecconcept website relaunch

Relaunch von


messageconcept hat heute seine Website erneuert. Die neue Seite passt sich im Responsive Design an alle Geräte von Smartphones und Tablets bis zu Desktop-Computern mit hohen Auflösungen an. Wir nutzen die Breite von Full-HD-Bildschirmen sowohl für Bilder und Erklärgrafiken als auch für ein Mehrspalten-Layout. Unser Team hat von Grund auf neu gestartet und unsere Hauptlösungen … WeiterlesenRelaunch von

relaunch website messageconcept

Final spurt for relaunch


Our communication team currently works hard on the relaunch of our website. Our web developer Jonas wanted to get a more mobile device friendly site. And the most important aim of our designer Carolin has been a less technical language. The project is the first step into our new communication strategy. The launch of the website … WeiterlesenFinal spurt for relaunch

messageconcept online shop

Relaunch of our Software Online Shop


Our global e-commerce partner relaunched our online shop today. The shop matches our corporate design now. All notification emails, quotes, invoices and other documents from cleverbridge will be co-branded with our company logo. The new design creates a better user experience for our customers.

messageconcept online shop

Relaunch of


Today our website was transferred to a new technical platform. The old site was available in English only. We launched a German website today to address our home market in it’s own language. We might think about light versions of our site in further languages in the future, but will currently not extend the current state. With … WeiterlesenRelaunch of

messageconcept steel construction

New messageconcept Website


An entire new version of the messageconcept Website has been released today. We now provide more information about our company and our software products. We are very thankful for the support of our design partner, headed by Dipl.-Designer Christof Kessemeier. We are excited to announce the basic integration of our online shop system into the … WeiterlesenNew messageconcept Website