New PeopleSync Release Backend 19.1.603 / Frontend 19.1.1
The new PeopleSync release allows to map phone numbers to different field for mobile clients (e.g. display a second phone number as “phone”, instead of “car”). Besides several bug fixes, we also included performance improvements and reduced the SQL database load. The new release comes with new database drivers and supports TLS 1.2 database connections. … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Release Backend 19.1.603 / Frontend 19.1.1
New Major Release for the PeopleSync Android App
We are proud to announce a new major release of our PeopleSync App for Android devices. We have rewritten most of the code to match current Android releases and support new devices. Besides that, we improved the performance and reduced the data consumption. Your current app configuration will be reused. Major rewrite Updated to follow … WeiterlesenNew Major Release for the PeopleSync Android App
New PeopleSync Backend Release 17.1.529 / Frontend Release 18.2.1
Our new PeopleSync release concentrates on stability fixes and security improvements on the Frontend Server. Besides that, we now prevent the software installation on Domain Controllers to avoid issues of the role coexistence. Please also note, the dropped support for Windows Server 2008 R2 from the previous release. This release contains the following bug fixes, … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Backend Release 17.1.529 / Frontend Release 18.2.1
New PeopleSync Backend Release 17.1.529 / Frontend Release 18.1.0
We have released a new version of our software PeopleSync. With the new release Windows Server 2008 R2 is no longer supported on the frontend server. This is due to the fact that current PHP SQL Server database drivers are no longer supported by Microsoft on Windows Server 2008 R2. If you are still running Windows 2008 R2, … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Backend Release 17.1.529 / Frontend Release 18.1.0
New PeopleSync Backend Release 17.1.529 / Frontend Release 17.1.5
We have released a new release for PeopleSync on frontend and backend side. You will expierience several improvements and bug fixes as well as a better synchronization performance. The AD Agent switched from Global Catalog to normal Domain Controller role by default. That’s why objects in subdomains will no longer be found. Customers needing connection … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Backend Release 17.1.529 / Frontend Release 17.1.5
New PeopleSync Release 17.1
The 17.1 release of PeopleSync has been released. The new release of the PeopleSync console comes with one of the most-demanded features from our customers: You are able to preview the content of PeopleSync address lists inside the console. Within the preview you can now see, which contact data has been synchronized by the agents … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Release 17.1
Update for PeopleSync 16.2
PeopleSync 16.2 got some updates. The newest release 16.2.411.1 contains the following bug fixes, features and improvements: Improvements [PS-211] – PeopleSync Installer Windows 2016 Support [PS-212] – PHP Update 5.6.28 Bug Fixes [PS-210] – CardDAV upload fails when email contains line break [PS-216] – Export to LDAP: Continue on schema violation [PS-217] – Log entries … WeiterlesenUpdate for PeopleSync 16.2
Updates for ExSBR 4
Within the last months, we fixed several issues with ExSBR 4 and have released the following bug fixes: [EX-35] – Remove limitation for more than thousand send connectors [EX-36] – Do not count virtual servers for licensing [EX-38] – Problem in Edge Server licensing [EX-55] – Problem with loop detection [EX-56] – Routing problems with … WeiterlesenUpdates for ExSBR 4
New PeopleSync Release 16.2
The 16.2 release of PeopleSync has been released. The release contains the following bug fixes, features and improvements: New Features [PS-200] – Authenticate with sAMAccountName against Active Directory [PS-202] – SSL Support for User Directories AD, AD LDS/ADAM, eDirectory [PS-206] – Display Manager Field on iOS Improvements [PS-199] – Add .net Framework 3.5 as prerequisite … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Release 16.2
New PeopleSync Release 16.1
The new release 16.1 of PeopleSync has been released and will be delivered to maintenance customer shortly. The new version comes with PHP 5.6 support and an improved setup process. We now support netIQ eDirectory and Microsoft AD LDS as additional directories for user authentication and provisioning. This release contains the following bug fixes, features … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Release 16.1
New ExSBR Release 4
It has been a while since the last major update, but the new version of messageconcept ExSBR comes with many new features and two entirely new routing types. The new Transport Rule Routing allows complex routing scenarios by integrating with the huge capabilities of the Microsoft Exchange Transport Rules. You are able to execute a routing decision … WeiterlesenNew ExSBR Release 4
New PeopleSync Release 15.1
We are excited to announce, that today the new PeopleSync Release 15.1 has been released to the public. The new release contains several important fixes as well as new functionality. The new LDAP Agent is a free update for all maintenance customers of our Enterprise Edition. It connects to all LDAP directories, but also allows … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Release 15.1
New PeopleSync Release 14.2
Today we have the pleasure to publish our brand new PeopleSync Release 14.2. The new version comes with several fixes and improvements as well as new synchronization agents. The new release is able to synchronize directly from Microsoft Dynamics CRM, from Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online and from the Salesforce coud. CRM and ERP gets easy … WeiterlesenNew PeopleSync Release 14.2
Microsoft recalls Exchange Server 2010 SP3 RU8
Microsoft released several updates for Exchange Server this week. The RU8 for Exchange Server 2010 has a serious connection issue with Microsoft Outlook. Microsoft writes in The Exchange Team Blog: “An issue has been identified in the Exchange Server 2010 SP3 Update Rollup 8. The update has been recalled and is no longer available on the … WeiterlesenMicrosoft recalls Exchange Server 2010 SP3 RU8
ExSBR on Exchange Server 2013 SP1
The messageconcept team always has the approach to support ExSBR on all Exchange Server versions, service packs and cumulative updates from day one. Unfortunately Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1 contains a bug in several config files, which affects all 3rd party transport agents. You might get the following error message after installing the agent: … WeiterlesenExSBR on Exchange Server 2013 SP1
ExSBR: Support of Exchange Server 2013
One of the most frequent questions in current presales calls is the support of Exchange Server 2013 for our messageconcept ExSBR transport agent. We expect to support messageconcept ExSBR even on beta releases of Exchange Server 2013 shortly on the Hub Transport Role. We expect Microsoft to deliver the Edge Transport Role not until Exchange Server 2013 SP1. … WeiterlesenExSBR: Support of Exchange Server 2013
messageconcept ExSBR 3.02 Release
A new version of our software messageconcept ExSBR has been released. The new version is able to route inbound and internal mail to a specific smarthost. The functionality will be controlled by a registry key per transport server. The new version will be provided to all maintenance customers on request only. There is no need … Weiterlesenmessageconcept ExSBR 3.02 Release
messageconcept ExSBR 3.01 Release
A new version of our software messageconcept ExSBR has been released today. The new version now detects disabled SMTP connectors and contains a better compatibility to ExSBR running on Exchange Server 2010 with the Edge Transport Role. We included further internal improvements based on customer feedback. Additonally the manual has been rewritten from scratch. The … Weiterlesenmessageconcept ExSBR 3.01 Release