10 Jahre ExSBR Software


Wir feiern das 10jährige Jubiläum unserer Software ExSBR. Genau heute vor 10 Jahren wurde das Produkt erstmalig bei einem Kunden installiert. Die Entwicklung unseres Transportagenten im Jahr 2008 war seinerzeit dem Problem geschuldet, die Nachrichten eines einzelnen Kunden in einer gehosteten Exchange-Umgebung über einen gesonderten Weg ins Internet zu versenden. Aus dem Projekt heraus wurde … Weiterlesen10 Jahre ExSBR Software

message routing encryption policies

Email authentication via DKIM in Exchange Server with ExSBR


DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is an email authentication method designed to detect email spoofing. It allows the receiver to check that an email claimed to have come from a specific domain was indeed authorized by the owner of that domain. The two main components of DKIM are cryptography and DNS. DNS is used to publish … WeiterlesenEmail authentication via DKIM in Exchange Server with ExSBR

messageconcept exsbr licensing per server

Where do I need to install the ExSBR Agent for Sender Based Routing?


One of the most discussed problems at our support hotline is, where to install our ExSBR transport agent to implement sender based routing in an Exchange Server organization. This question is easy to answer for most customer situations, but the answers are sometimes hard to understand. In General, we need ExSBR to be installed on … WeiterlesenWhere do I need to install the ExSBR Agent for Sender Based Routing?

exsbr email routing solution compliance policies

Compliance Routing for Exchange Server with messageconcept ExSBR


Many companies and authorities need to fulfill a complex compliance rule set. They use secure email gateways to apply the policy between their internal email systems and external networks, such as the Internet. Typical vendors for secure email gateways are: Barracuda Cisco Clearswift FireEye McAfee Microsoft Mimecast Proofpoint Sophos Symantec Trend Micro Websense Some of … WeiterlesenCompliance Routing for Exchange Server with messageconcept ExSBR

exsbr email routing solution external mailboxes

ExSBR and shared address spaces in Microsoft Exchange Server (split domain scenarios)


If some recipients of a specific SMTP domain are hosted on your Exchange Server and others are hosted on another (external) system, you are sharing an SMTP address space between different email servers. A good example for the shared address space scenario is the hosting of free email addresses (Gmail, GMX…) in Exchange Server. For … WeiterlesenExSBR and shared address spaces in Microsoft Exchange Server (split domain scenarios)

messageconcept exsbr software

messageconcept ExSBR 3.02 Release


A new version of our software messageconcept ExSBR has been released. The new version is able to route inbound and internal mail to a specific smarthost. The functionality will be controlled by a registry key per transport server. The new version will be provided to all maintenance customers on request only. There is no need … Weiterlesenmessageconcept ExSBR 3.02 Release

messageconcept exsbr software

messageconcept ExSBR Routing Check Guide


The most asked questions at our support hotline regard to the success of the ExSBR routing decision. For many customers the ExSBR ruleset itself might be a little difficult to understand, for others the tracking inside Microsoft Exchange Server is too complicated. The flowchart diagram helps to drill routing issues down to the software component, … Weiterlesenmessageconcept ExSBR Routing Check Guide

microsoft exchange server logo

Integration of external Email Accounts in Microsoft Exchange Server


If you operate a corporate Exchange Server with a dedicated SMTP domain only, you might not require Sender Based Routing. The challenge begins, if you need to integrate a secondary domain, which is not exclusively hosted in your Exchange Server organization. What are typical scenarios for this situation? Most small businesses started with one corporate email account … WeiterlesenIntegration of external Email Accounts in Microsoft Exchange Server

messageconcept exsbr software

messageconcept ExSBR 3.01 Release


A new version of our software messageconcept ExSBR has been released today. The new version now detects disabled SMTP connectors and contains a better compatibility to ExSBR running on Exchange Server 2010 with the Edge Transport Role. We included further internal improvements based on customer feedback. Additonally the manual has been rewritten from scratch. The … Weiterlesenmessageconcept ExSBR 3.01 Release

exsbr email routing solution closed networks

Email Routing in Exchange Server for GCSX and PSN in UK Local Government


To match the requirements of UK Government Connect Code of Connection certain mails between authorities have to be sent using the Government Connect Secure Extranet (GCSx) or the Public Services Network (PSN), closed networks, operated by the UK Government. So two types of mails have to be distinguished regarding their mail transport: For mails from … WeiterlesenEmail Routing in Exchange Server for GCSX and PSN in UK Local Government

messageconcept exsbr software

messageconcept ExSBR receives Microsoft Platform Ready Certification


To acknowledge the compatibility of our Sender Based Routing Agent messageconcept ExSBR to Microsoft’s software platform, we decided to validate the compatibility with Microsoft. Today we proudly announce, that ExSBR has passed the Microsoft Platform Ready certification for Windows Server 2008 R2 and Exchange Server 2010 on July, 30th 2010. The certification shows our dedication to the … Weiterlesenmessageconcept ExSBR receives Microsoft Platform Ready Certification

exsbr logo 2010

messageconcept acquires Exchange Server Add-On Product


Before founding messageconcept the entire team of our new company was employed by the consulting service subsidiary of an Top 5 independent systems integrator in Germany. Today we are excited to announce the management-buy-out of the Exchange Server add-on business of our former employer. messageconcept acquired all rights to the software ExSBR, the sender based … Weiterlesenmessageconcept acquires Exchange Server Add-On Product

exsbr logo 2010

ExSBR goes international


On the 5th of August 2009, we delivered the first ExSBR copy to an international client. The software has been installed in a multi-tenant Exchange Server organization in the United States. Several tenants of our new client had special routing requirements. ExSBR solved them in the twinkling of an eye. For us, this has been … WeiterlesenExSBR goes international

active logistics michael otto

Mandantenfähigkeit mit ExSBR im active logistics Rechenzentrum


Unser Kunde active logistics ist der europäische Marktführer für Softwarelösungen für die Logistikbranche. Die Softwareprodukte erstellen und kontrollieren Logistikketten und organisieren große Cargo-Netzwerke. Der Kunde betreibt zwei unabhängige Rechenzentren, nahe den Hauptverwaltungen und zentralen Hub-Standorten verschiedener Cargo-Netzwerke in Niederaula im Herzen Deutschlands. Ende 2008 stand Michael Otto, Geschäftsführer von active logistics, vor zwei wesentlichen Herausforderungen: … WeiterlesenMandantenfähigkeit mit ExSBR im active logistics Rechenzentrum

exsbr logo 2010

First successful ExSBR installation


On the 18th of December 2008, our team installed the very first release of the sender based routing agent ExSBR at the first client. The client has been an IT provider with international customers in their multi-tenant environment. As some customers of our client had special requirements for their outbound emails, we decided to develop … WeiterlesenFirst successful ExSBR installation