messageconcept – messageconcept GmbH Softwarelösungen für Microsoft Infrastrukturen Wed, 18 Mar 2020 04:55:34 +0000 de-DE hourly 1 messageconcept – messageconcept GmbH 32 32 Corona-Maßnahmen bei messageconcept Mon, 16 Mar 2020 08:09:38 +0000

Bei messageconcept sind wir auf die weltweite Corona-Pandemie gut vorbereitet. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter haben schon immer die Möglichkeit, von Zuhause zu arbeiten. Davon machen wir nun selbstverständlich maximal Gebrauch, um die Gefahr einer Ansteckung mit dem Corona-Virus zu minimieren. Unser Team wurde darüber hinaus über die wesentlichen Schutzmaßnahmen informiert und zu besonderen Verhaltensregeln verpflichtet. ... WeiterlesenCorona-Maßnahmen bei messageconcept

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10 Jahre ExSBR Software Mon, 17 Dec 2018 23:00:20 +0000

Wir feiern das 10jährige Jubiläum unserer Software ExSBR. Genau heute vor 10 Jahren wurde das Produkt erstmalig bei einem Kunden installiert. Die Entwicklung unseres Transportagenten im Jahr 2008 war seinerzeit dem Problem geschuldet, die Nachrichten eines einzelnen Kunden in einer gehosteten Exchange-Umgebung über einen gesonderten Weg ins Internet zu versenden. Aus dem Projekt heraus wurde ... Weiterlesen10 Jahre ExSBR Software

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Relaunch von Sat, 30 Sep 2017 23:30:45 +0000

messageconcept hat heute seine Website erneuert. Die neue Seite passt sich im Responsive Design an alle Geräte von Smartphones und Tablets bis zu Desktop-Computern mit hohen Auflösungen an. Wir nutzen die Breite von Full-HD-Bildschirmen sowohl für Bilder und Erklärgrafiken als auch für ein Mehrspalten-Layout. Unser Team hat von Grund auf neu gestartet und unsere Hauptlösungen ... WeiterlesenRelaunch von

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messageconcept supports short film festival Mon, 10 Jul 2017 18:09:22 +0000 /news/messageconcept-supports-short-film-festival-cologne/

The short film festival „KFFK – Kurzfilmfestival Köln“ takes place in our home town every Autumn. Besides the festival, they organize the open air event „Shorts on Wheels“ with short films, shown at different locations all over Cologne. The distance between the locations is covered by riding with bicycles. And even the entire equipment from ... Weiterlesenmessageconcept supports short film festival

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Final spurt for relaunch Wed, 15 Mar 2017 18:09:51 +0000 /news/final-spurt-for-messageconcept-com-relaunch/

Our communication team currently works hard on the relaunch of our website. Our web developer Jonas wanted to get a more mobile device friendly site. And the most important aim of our designer Carolin has been a less technical language. The project is the first step into our new communication strategy. The launch of the website ... WeiterlesenFinal spurt for relaunch

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Sustainable mobility with messageconcept Wed, 20 Apr 2016 18:09:29 +0000 /news/sustainable-mobility-with-messageconcept/

From now on, we do have a new coworker on board, who is willing to carry our stuff. 😉 Our corporate cargo bike „Emma“ helps us to transport equipment inside Cologne and is a rolling bulletin board for PeopleSync. The bike can be lent by our staff for their private shopping tours and helps to ... WeiterlesenSustainable mobility with messageconcept

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Successful IT & Business Expo 2015 Fri, 02 Oct 2015 18:09:29 +0000 /news/successful-it-business-expo-2015/

After attending many conferences and expos in other European countries and North America, the messageconcept team exhibited the first time in a German exposition. This might sound weird for a German company seven years after first product launch. The IT & Business expo in Stuttgart is a CRM and ERP events and attracts different business ... WeiterlesenSuccessful IT & Business Expo 2015

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messageconcept at the IT & Business Expo Thu, 20 Aug 2015 18:09:39 +0000 /news/messageconcept-at-the-it-business-expo/

messageconcept will attend the IT & Business expo in in Stuttgart, Germany in Stuttgart, Germany. The exhibition specializes in CRM and DMS software. We will showcase our software messageconcept PeopleSync. We will show you how to sync contact data from CRM systems such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics CRM to every phone with our software ... Weiterlesenmessageconcept at the IT & Business Expo

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messageconcept at Microsoft TechEd in Barcelona Fri, 07 Nov 2014 18:09:36 +0000 /news/messageconcept-at-microsoft-teched-europe-in-barcelona/

After attending TechEd North America in Houston and Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference in Washington D.C. we exhibited at the TechEd Europe conference in Barcelona last week. We used the conferences this year to launch our new software product PeopleSync in our most important markets North America and Europe. We got a lot of customer connections and valuable ... Weiterlesenmessageconcept at Microsoft TechEd in Barcelona

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messageconcept event team comes to TechEd Europe Wed, 23 Jul 2014 00:27:05 +0000 /news/the-messageconcept-event-team-comes-to-teched-europe/

After participating at Microsoft TechEd North America 2014 Conference in Houston, Texas, and the Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2014 in Washington D.C., the messageconcept event team comes to Europe. We will showcase our software solutions at the Microsoft TechEd Europe 2014 Conference in Barcelona, Spain. In Barcelona we will launch a new release of messageconcept PeopleSync. The software synchronizes address ... Weiterlesenmessageconcept event team comes to TechEd Europe

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